Mission and Purpose

Mission - To utilize our faith and confidence in God to bless the election process in the United States

In Acts 2:34-35 it says “Sit at my right hand…until I make your enemies your footstool.”

In other words, as children of God, the battle belongs to Him and he will hand over our enemies (deception, dishonesty, manipulation, lying, stealing, etc.). He invites us to join Him in the battle – through prayer.

But this is not just praying at your home or in your church, which is great. This is about praying specifically on election day, at our precincts and polling places, and declaring the power of God to expose evil so we can have an honorable and fair election.

The ENEMY is the ENEMY! People are not our enemies. At no point in time will we politicize this purpose with policies, candidates, or agendas. We have one purpose only and that is to invite the power of the Almighty God to rule and reign in the United States of America’s election process.

The time is NOW for us to…

  • Claim our inheritance as a child of God
  • Be humble in our attitude and bold in our actions
  • Love our fellow citizens
  • Stand for integrity and transparency
  • Act on our God given authority
  • Demonstrate faith and dependency on God
  • Praise Him for His faithfulness to us

We invite you to study the scriptures below to further see and know how God longs to use us to be His hands and feet in our world

John 3:16-17
Acts 2:34-35
Ephesians 6:10-19
Deuteronomy 7: 7-13

By participating in this process, I acknowledge and agree with the purpose of Operation Footstool and with the protocol outlined for me to follow. I understand I am to be reflective of God’s heart and love for His people and that I am to trust Him to make any changes in others. I believe the battle belongs to the Lord and I am simply to walk in faith and seek Him on the matters of our election process.